My Tips For A Digital Detox
I feel I’m similar to a lot of people trying to coexist with the digital age; We are all trying to figure out the right balance.
I will mention a few things I have done to set some boundaries, not only with my phone but also with negative news and information that is floating around. These are only ideas to help you create some habits of your own, and certainly not the final list of strategies I use. I know this will continue to evolve!
Airplane mode has worked great. I have a cut-off time for my phone usage and that is about 9p.m. I put my phone in airplane mode, and I don’t touch it again until morning. This has helped me to avoid seeing negative texts, news, or having extra exposure to blue-light so that I can have better sleep. Putting my phone to bed, and not using it, is so important for women’s hormone balance. Having restorative sleep is essential, and airplane mode has been my tool to do that.
I ask these 2 questions often: Do I really care about this? And do I want to spend my precious time on this? A lot of times, I don’t care that much to want to spend more time on it, so I let it go.
“Do I need to engage in this problem when it clearly isn’t my problem?” This can be helpful when you see triggering posts on social media, or when you are watching the news or reading articles. When I get triggered about something I ask myself this question before reacting. Almost every time, the answer is no. So, I let it go, or I don’t answer, or I change the subject. If the answer is yes, then I think about a clear action plan. This may look like making a donation, calling your representatives, or taking action that will help you feel better, and more proactive rather than worrying.
The antidote to negative thinking: Gratitude lists
I read a fantastic book called Build The Life You Want, written by Arthur Brooks and Oprah Winfrey. Brooks teaches about happiness at Stanford University, and he mentions how we can measure it and achieve happiness. He states that negative thinking can be on a constant loop if we aren’t careful and it can be a way of life, unless you actively work to change it. That is why gratitude lists are so important. Gratitude lists are the antidote to having a negative mindset. I highly recommend this book if you are looking for tangible ways to create more happiness in your life.
A few more options: For example, you could unfollow or hide negative posts from friends on social media. Choose social media accounts that will bring more joy or inspire you. Just like eliminating old emails or contacts, sometimes our social media accounts could use a refresh. Some people have found benefit from eliminating these apps altogether or taking a long sabbatical as well.