Remedies For When You Get Sick

No one likes to get sick. Here are some remedies!

I got sick with Covid at the beginning of the year, and when I did, I used these simple remedies to feel better.

Remedy #1: Apple Cider Vinegar Tonic
Imagine my dear mother taking care of TEN CHILDREN and trying to reduce our annual doctor bill. This is how she did it: She gave us a tonic of Bragg’s apple cider vinegar, water, and a touch of honey to make it palatable. We even had a name for this miracle cure. We called it Agua Sana (Healthy Water) and boy did it work. We drank it whenever we felt we were coming down with something. Even when we were tiny tots we would ask my mom for a dose of this tonic. My mother is a nurse, so she definitely took us to the doctor when it was necessary, but she also believed that if we drank this, our bodies would get better faster and heal on it’s own most of the time. Although there are other brands, we have always used Bragg’s.
Apple cider vinegar, since it is fermented, helps nourish the good bacteria in your gut, it cleans the organs, and brings the body back to an alkaline state, which is why it works for when you are sick. It is great for detoxing the organs especially the liver and there are also many other uses explained in the book if you want to read more.
The thing you need to know about apple cider vinegar is that a little goes a long way. You don’t have to drink a shot of this stuff or a big spoonful.I think that is the biggest mistake most people make. Especially if you are giving it to kids, you could put a lot less. I would start with 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon, add a touch of honey, and then taste it yourself and alter it however you need. This is a great way to make sure your hydration is working double-time for you. You are getting the water intake plus making your body more alkaline. Later you can move to a teaspoon. 
Remedy #2Freshly made green juice.
Let me tell you this remedy has always come in handy when I was coming down with got better from a raging cold in two days to go on a date with the man who eventually became my husband, so this tip is GOLD! Having a fresh, green juice is really the best, where you have 3 greens to 1 fruit or sweet vegetable like carrot or beet. Or keep it entirely green (which they call a Farmer's juice) with some ginger and/or lemon to add more flavor. Here are some ideas of green veggies: cucumber, celery, broccoli stalks, spinach or other leafy greens, fennel (really delicious!). 

Remedy #3: Spice it up baby.
Warming spices such as cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, ginger, garlic, cayenne are great for warming the body up! Find ways to add these spices. I love adding these foods in different ways in my food or beverages. I will keep some ginger root right by my stove and grate it into my food. Ginger tea, Chai is good or Yogi or Numi brands are great options. You can even make your own chai. It's so good homemade!
Bonus remedies that you may not have thought of:
Laughter: put on a good movie that will make you laugh or at least make you feel good! Laughter boosts the immune system.
Connection: How many times did we feel the instant comfort when our mothers or loved ones put a hand on a forehead? Just knowing that someone is there to check on you may help you heal faster. Ask for someone to check in on you even if it’s via text.
Soup is still awesome. Whether it’s chicken, beef or veggie.
Visualize yourself healthy again. Most of the time we want to beat ourselves up for being sick and this doesn’t help anyone! Visualize and say positive things to yourself. You will get better faster! I kept repeating the mantra, "I'm strong, I'm resilient. I'm grateful for my body working so hard for me". 


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