The Benefits Of This Natural Remedy

Getting out into nature has health benefits.

There has been recent research on Forest Bathing, a phrase coined in Japan, where doctors started to prescribe to their patients in the 1980's to go into forests to participate in nature walks and to get away from indoor environments. It was actually an answer to a national epidemic when heart attacks, cancer and suicide rates increased among office workers. Trees and plants release compounds called phytoncides, and studies have shown immunity improves when these compounds are inhaled. 

Other benefits of forest bathing are improved lung and heart function, better blood-sugar levels, decreased anxiety and depression, and reduced cortisol levels. The positive effects last for months after just one visit according to some studies. It's a mindful practice I have been doing for a few years now and I really do consider it such as an essential part of my life. I think the best part of forest bathing is seeing nature all around you and being present without the distraction of technology. You are absorbing nature through all the senses and slowing down. Slowing down, getting breaks from technology, getting closer to nature, walking, sensing, and tuning in, are health promoting and good for women's hormone balance too. 
If you can't make it to a forest, there are still benefits of walking in a park or being close to trees and plants, or gardening. Right now, I am working on our small garden and patio area. I am already enjoying putting together these green spaces, finally being able to have some herbs in pots, and I have a few plants on my desk too. Seeing these plants every day makes me so happy! I hope to share some pictures soon! Here is a link I found recently that San Antonio is one of the top places in the United States for hiking because there are so many parks. 

Take action: What could be one, small step to get into nature more or to bring nature to you? 


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